Business Support

ITAR Consulting Services

International Business Support

Excelerate makes the export controlled international business accessible to everyone.  Our job is to remove any concern with conducting international business.  We can work as your exporter of record, international business coordinator, respond to contract challenges, establish pricing, respond to contract challenges, work within unique business cultures, and much more.  Our experience in exporting and conducting international business is extensive so let us know how we can help.

Our export compliance and technical support assistance is effectively applied worldwide related to the ITAR and EAR regulations, business practices, and customs associated with identifying, capturing, managing, and executing international business. You will find no one that has our level of technological understanding with expert export compliance support and direct international business experience to ensure your success. We look forward to working with you...

International Business Coordinator (IBC)

Your Excelerate International Business Coordinator (IBC) acts as a conduit for export controlled products moving in and out of the U.S. The IBC facilitates international business by acting as the exporter-of-record. We satisfy the entire controlled export/import responsibilities including business, financing, licensing, shipping, and import/export processing.

Organizations worldwide use our IBC approach to business since Excelerate satisfies all of the requirements for conducting controlled export international business.

Partnering Program

Excelerate is your partner, and we can assist wherever you need us in the export controlled international business process.  Our team of engineers can partner with you in providing solutions worldwide.  Let us know how we can assist in taking your capabilities and products worldwide.

Establish U.S. Presence

Excelerate can support the establishment of a U.S. presence for non-U.S. companies.  We can work as your partner in facilitating business in the U.S. or we can do what is required to establish your new office anywhere you desire. Most of our customers begin by addressing opportunities using Excelerate and, when it makes good business sense, use Excelerate to establish a U.S. presence that is compliant with U.S. regulatory requirements.

Business Support

Excelerate conducts international defense and aerospace business all day, every day, in association with U.S. ITAR and EAR regulations. We work as prime contractors on large programs or small contributors providing a component or solution. Our knowledge of different customs, proposal development, pricing, business processes, payment approaches, contracts, funding, and the mechanisms associated with doing business outside and inside the U.S. reduce stress and frustration. Often it is our experience that allows your business to expand and flourish. Let us know how we can help...